
They were so obsessed with gaming, that they barely noticed the dead guy next to them! Obsession had killed the man, but had also killed reality for the other gamers. For them, the fantasy world on their screens had become more important than the real world.

That, basically, is what obsession is. It’s when we allow something to become more real and more important than reality itself. And what are well all super-obsessed with? Social media.

The more we stress over what people are saying about us and how many followers we have, the more we become like those online gamers: fixated on just a small bit of reality and unable to have a balanced view of our lives.

A guy was found dead in his chair after spending three days non-stop gaming in an online-gaming café. He had died of a heart attack. It turns out it was a result of sitting still for so long, hardly sleeping and being pumped up to the eyeballs with adrenaline from the fantasy gaming action.

Shockingly, the police said that even as the dead body was taken away, the other gamers in the café carried on with their own games!
Shockingly, the police said that even as the dead body was taken away, the other gamers in the café carried on with their own games!

One square photo. One little box under our thumb that we scroll through daily.  A double tap. That’s all it takes for us to have an opinion about someone or something. 

These little squares are taken under the right light, edited with the best tools and filters and posted with witty and clever captions.

We look at them all the time! When we’re travelling, when we’re hanging out with our friends, when we’re bored. 

We see them and it sparks something inside of us. Some days it’s envy, because we wish we were doing this or going there, just like our friends. Other days it’s stress, because our lives don’t seem to be as good as the ones we see online.

The post, photos and grids become our own little worlds that we control, compare and compete with. But do we sometimes border on obsessing over Instagram? Does it
start to take over our thinking just a little too much? And is that even a big deal?

They tell us who’s up to what, who’s hanging out with who and who’s gone to the new coffee shop in town.

We look at them all the time! When we’re travelling to school, when we’re hanging out with our friends, when we’re bored.

We see them and it sparks something inside of us. Some days it’s envy, because we wish we were doing this or going there, just like our friends. Other days it’s stress, because our lives don’t seem to be as good as the ones we see online.

The post, photos and grids become our own little worlds that we control, compare and compete with. But do we sometimes border on obsessing over Instagram? Does it
start to take over our thinking just a little too much? And is that even a big deal?

They tell us who’s up to what, who’s hanging out with who and who’s gone to the new coffee shop in town.

Sure, my feed is full of actual events and shows how I try to live each day. But it does not reflect my every waking moment. I have my struggles and doubts. Social media has a way of making it seem like everyone has their stuff together and their life is flawless. Don’t get caught up believing those lies. Don’t start comparing yourself to others. Just because we don’t see the bad days and struggles of these people doesn’t mean they don’t exist.” Hilary

The Bible says (maybe surprisingly) that getting obsessed with stuff isn’t a bad thing. We all need something to make us feel good about who we are and where we fit. The problem is that when we get obsessed over social media, we’re looking in the wrong place.

“I can’t say I’m happy and enthusiastic all the time.  According to my Instagram feed, I look like I have it all together. I have great friends to go on weekend adventures with, new places to explore and a great brother and sister-in-law to spend time hanging out and laughing with.  And I can hold a yoga bridge pose on a paddleboard no problem!

But if you really knew me, you’d know the truth is somewhat different.

“I can’t say I’m happy and enthusiastic all the time. According to my Instagram feed, I look like I have it all together. I have great friends to go on weekend adventures with, new places to explore and a great brother and sister-in-law to spend time hanging out and laughing with. And I can hold a yoga bridge pose on a paddleboard no problem!

Sure, my feed is full of actual events and shows how Itry to live each day. But it does not reflect my every waking moment. I have my struggles and doubts. Social media has a way of making it seem like everyone has their stuff together and their life is flawless. Don’t get caught up believing those lies. Don’t start comparing yourself to others. Just because we don’t see the bad days and struggles of these people doesn’t mean they don’t exist.” Hilary

The Bible says (maybe surprisingly) that getting obsessed with stuff isn’t a bad thing. We all need something to make us feel good about who we are and where we fit. The problem is that when we get obsessed over social media, we’re looking in the wrong place.

But if you really knew me, you’d know the truth is somewhat different.

The Bible tells us that Jesus, who is God, is the one we’re meant to be obsessed with. He said:

Jesus isn’t just a part of reality to fixate on; he is the very centre of life itself!

But how many of us can really say we want to love and listen to God above anything else? Maybe we think about him sometimes, maybe we say prayers, but our lives are our lives. And if we’re loved on Instagram, surely we’re doing fine?

But we know that’s not always true. It sucks when friends let us down, when we don’t get much love on social media, when the trolling happens, when we mess up again, when we make bad choices and stupid decisions. We know what it’s like to hurt others; even our closest friends—even ourselves. Did you realise we hurt God too—because we don’t listen to him or live how he made us to? He wants us to know a peaceful life of love, purpose and meaning. He wants us to be living our best life! But that only happens with him.

“My purpose is to give [you] a rich and satisfying life” (John 10:10).

When Jesus came to earth, He suffered and died in our place. Why? Because we’ve messed up so much and deserve God’s punishment. But God doesn’t want to punish us, he wants to be with us and look after us. Jesus came to earth to die and pay the penalty for how we ignore God and mess things up.

And then he did something really amazing. He came back to life three days later. He beat death! If we’ll trust him, he brings us back to God and the “satisfying” life he offers— both now and when we die! He gives us God’s forgiveness, along with new and unending life in His family. And his home (heaven) becomes our home!

Only by living our lives with Jesus can we get the confidence and satisfaction we’re looking for. After all, he is the one who designed us! He is the only one who really understands us; even more than we understand ourselves! He knows what makes us tick and he wants to do life with us.
Only by living our lives with Jesus can we get the confidence and satisfaction we’re looking for. After all, he is the one who designed us! He is the only one who really understands us; even more than we understand ourselves! He knows what makes us tick and he wants to do life with us.

Next time you find yourself wishing your life were like so-and-so’s, remember that God knows you and has put you where you are meant to be. You are loved. You don’t need filters to make yourself look better so others will like you more. Instagram doesn’t make us who we are, only Jesus does that.

That doesn’t mean following him is easy. We’ll still have problems, sickness and stuff we probably won’t want to put on Instagram. But it means that we can still be satisfied even when those things happen, because our meaning will be based on God’s love and his promise of a place in heaven.

But following Jesus isn’t like following another person on Instagram. Jesus isn’t just an add-on to our lives. He alone is God, to be followed and loved first, making him our one good obsession. Which means Instagram and all social media can stay as they are: just stuff to enjoy. Not something to sweat over. We don’t need social media to make us feel complete—only Jesus does that! Jesus takes us just as we are, loves us and helps us grow in really great ways!

Getting obsessed with Jesus means putting him before everything else. Only Jesus gives us the meaning and belonging we’re looking for.
Getting obsessed with Jesus means putting him before everything else. Only Jesus gives us the meaning and belonging we’re looking for.

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Old No. 67/4, New No. 36, Spur Tank Road, Chetpet, Chennai, Tamil Nadu 600 031

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The life of a Christian is not just a one-time decision to trust Jesus.
An obsession with God puts everything else in our lives in perfect balance.
We’re so much more than a tiny square photo.

 It is a daily decision to allow him to be in charge of every part of our lives as we follow his plan, not our own. This is sometimes easy and sometimes difficult, as in all of our relationships, but we can trust that God is always good, always loves us and is always on our side.

It means we can be ourselves without apology in a world that tries to make us fit into certain personas. With Jesus, we can be the person God made us to be—fully and without fear.

The number of double taps and followers we get don’t decide who we are or how much we are worth. 

All these resources are made available at no charge because of the sacrificial donations of Indian readers such as you. We are not FCRA registered and do not receive any funds from abroad. If you would like to donate so that others too may be blessed by similar resources from Our Daily Bread, please click the button below.


One square photo. One little box under our thumb that we scroll through daily. A double tap. That’s all it takes for us to have an opinion about someone or something. 

These little squares are taken under the right light, edited with the best tools and filters and posted with witty and clever captions.

We look at them all the time! When we’re travelling to school, when we’re hanging out with our friends, when we’re bored.

We see them and it sparks something inside of us. Some days it’s envy, because we wish we were doing this or going there, just like our friends. Other days it’s stress, because our lives don’t seem to be as good as the ones we see online.

The post, photos and grids become our own little worlds that we control, compare and compete with. But do we sometimes border on obsessing over Instagram? Does it
start to take over our thinking just a little too much? And is that even a big deal?

They tell us who’s up to what, who’s hanging out with who and who’s gone to the new coffee shop in town.

We look at them all the time! When we’re traveling, when we’re hanging out with our friends, when we’re bored. 

We see them and it sparks something inside of us. Some days it’s envy, because we wish we were doing this or going there, just like our friends. Other days it’s stress, because our lives don’t seem to be as good as the ones we see online.

The post, photos and grids become our own little worlds that we control, compare and compete with. But do we sometimes border on obsessing over Instagram? Does it
start to take over our thinking just a little too much? And is that even a big deal?

They tell us who’s up to what, who’s hanging out with who and who’s gone to the new coffee shop in town.

A guy was found dead in his chair after spending three days non-stop gaming in an online-gaming café. He had died of a heart attack. It turns out it was a result of sitting still for so long, hardly sleeping and being pumped up to the eyeballs with adrenaline from the fantasy gaming action.

Shockingly, the police said that even as the dead body was taken away, the other gamers in the café carried on with their own games!
Shockingly, the police said that even as the dead body was taken away, the other gamers in the café carried on with their own games!

They were so obsessed with gaming, that they barely noticed the dead guy next to them! Obsession had killed the man, but had also killed reality for the other gamers. For them, the fantasy world on their screens had become more important than the real world.

That, basically, is what obsession is. It’s when we allow something to become more real and more important than reality itself. And what are well all super-obsessed with? Social media.

The more we stress over what people are saying about us and how many followers we have, the more we become like those online gamers: fixated on just a small bit of reality and unable to have a balanced view of our lives.

Sure, my feed is full of actual events and shows how Itry to live each day. But it does not reflect my every waking moment. I have my struggles and doubts. Social media has a way of making it seem like everyone has their stuff together and their life is flawless. Don’t get caught up believing those lies. Don’t start comparing yourself to others. Just because we don’t see the bad days and struggles of these people doesn’t mean they don’t exist.” Hilary

The Bible says (maybe surprisingly) that getting obsessed with stuff isn’t a bad thing. We all need something to make us feel good about who we are and where we fit. The problem is that when we get obsessed over social media, we’re looking in the wrong place.

“I can’t say I’m happy and enthusiastic all the time. According to my Instagram feed, I look like I have it all together. I have great friends to go on weekend adventures with, new places to explore and a great brother and sister-in-law to spend time hanging out and laughing with. And I can hold a yoga bridge pose on a paddleboard no problem!

But if you really knew me, you’d know the truth is somewhat different.

“I can’t say I’m happy and enthusiastic all the time. According to my Instagram feed, I look like I have it all together. I have great friends to go on weekend adventures with, new places to explore and a great brother and sister-in-law to spend time hanging out and laughing with. And I can hold a yoga bridge pose on a paddleboard no problem!

Sure, my feed is full of actual events and shows how Itry to live each day. But it does not reflect my every waking moment. I have my struggles and doubts. Social media has a way of making it seem like everyone has their stuff together and their life is flawless. Don’t get caught up believing those lies. Don’t start comparing yourself to others. Just because we don’t see the bad days and struggles of these people doesn’t mean they don’t exist.” Hilary

The Bible says (maybe surprisingly) that getting obsessed with stuff isn’t a bad thing. We all need something to make us feel good about who we are and where we fit. The problem is that when we get obsessed over social media, we’re looking in the wrong place.

But if you really knew me, you’d know the truth is somewhat different.

The Bible tells us that Jesus, who is God, is the one we’re meant to be obsessed with. He said:

“My purpose is to give [you] a rich and satisfying life” (John 10:10).

Jesus isn’t just a part of reality to fixate on; he is the very centre of life itself!

But how many of us can really say we want to love and listen to God above anything else? Maybe we think about him sometimes, maybe we say prayers, but our lives are our lives. And if we’re loved on Instagram, surely we’re doing fine?

But we know that’s not always true. It sucks when friends let us down, when we don’t get much love on social media, when the trolling happens, when we mess up again, when we make bad choices and stupid decisions. We know what it’s like to hurt others; even our closest friends—even ourselves. Did you realise we hurt God too—because we don’t listen to him or live how he made us to? He wants us to know a peaceful life of love, purpose and meaning. He wants us to be living our best life! But that only happens with him.

When Jesus came to earth, He suffered and died in our place. Why? Because we’ve messed up so much and deserve God’s punishment. But God doesn’t want to punish us, he wants to be with us and look after us. Jesus came to earth to die and pay the penalty for how we ignore God and mess things up.

And then he did something really amazing. He came back to life three days later. He beat death! If we’ll trust him, he brings us back to God and the “satisfying” life he offers— both now and when we die! He gives us God’s forgiveness, along with new and unending life in His family. And his home (heaven) becomes our home!

Only by living our lives with Jesus can we get the confidence and satisfaction we’re looking for. After all, he is the one who designed us! He is the only one who really understands us; even more than we understand ourselves! He knows what makes us tick and he wants to do life with us.
Only by living our lives with Jesus can we get the confidence and satisfaction we’re looking for. After all, he is the one who designed us! He is the only one who really understands us; even more than we understand ourselves! He knows what makes us tick and he wants to do life with us.

Next time you find yourself wishing your life were like so-and-so’s, remember that God knows you and has put you where you are meant to be. You are loved. You don’t need filters to make yourself look better so others will like you more. Instagram doesn’t make us who we are, only Jesus does that.

Getting obsessed with Jesus means putting him before everything else. Only Jesus gives us the meaning and belonging we’re looking for.
Getting obsessed with Jesus means putting him before everything else. Only Jesus gives us the meaning and belonging we’re looking for.

That doesn’t mean following him is easy. We’ll still have problems, sickness and stuff we probably won’t want to put on Instagram. But it means that we can still be satisfied even when those things happen, because our meaning will be based on God’s love and his promise of a place in heaven.

But following Jesus isn’t like following another person on Instagram. Jesus isn’t just an add-on to our lives. He alone is God, to be followed and loved first, making him our one good obsession. Which means Instagram and all social media can stay as they are: just stuff to enjoy. Not something to sweat over. We don’t need social media to make us feel complete—only Jesus does that! Jesus takes us just as we are, loves us and helps us grow in really great ways!

The life of a Christian is not just a one-time decision to trust Jesus.

An obsession with God puts everything else in our lives in perfect balance.

We’re so much more than a tiny square photo.

It is a daily decision to allow him to be in charge of every part of our lives as we follow his plan, not our own. This is sometimes easy and sometimes difficult, as in all of our relationships, but we can trust that God is always good, always loves us and is always on our side.

It means we can be ourselves without apology in a world that tries to make us fit into certain personas. With Jesus, we can be the person God made us to be—fully and without fear.

The number of double taps and followers we get don’t decide who we are or how much we are worth. 

An obsession with God puts everything else in our lives in perfect balance.

It is a daily decision to allow him to be in charge of every part of our lives as we follow his plan, not our own. This is sometimes easy and sometimes difficult, as in all of our relationships, but we can trust that God is always good, always loves us and is always on our side.

It means we can be ourselves without apology in a world that tries to make us fit into certain personas. With Jesus, we can be the person God made us to be—fully and without fear.

We’re so much more than a tiny square photo.

The life of a Christian is not just a one-time decision to trust Jesus.

The number of double taps and followers we get don’t decide who we are or how much we are worth. 

Option 1 - Conclusion

Option 2 - Conclusion

Option 3 - Conclusion

Option 4 - Conclusion

 It is a daily decision to allow him to be in charge of every part of our lives as we follow his plan, not our own. This is sometimes easy and sometimes difficult, as in all of our relationships, but we can trust that God is always good, always loves us and is always on our side.

The life of a Christian is not just a one-time decision to trust Jesus.
An obsession with God puts everything else in our lives in perfect balance.

It means we can be ourselves without apology in a world that tries to make us fit into certain personas. With Jesus, we can be the person God made us to be—fully and without fear.  The number of double taps and followers we get don’t decide who we are or how much we are worth.

We’re so much more than a tiny square photo.

The life of a Christian is not just a one-time decision to trust Jesus.

An obsession with God puts everything else in our lives in perfect balance.

We’re so much more than a tiny square photo.

 It is a daily decision to allow him to be in charge of every part of our lives as we follow his plan, not our own. This is sometimes easy and sometimes difficult, as in all of our relationships, but we can trust that God is always good, always loves us and is always on our side.

It means we can be ourselves without apology in a world that tries to make us fit into certain personas. With Jesus, we can be the person God made us to be—fully and without fear.

The number of double taps and followers we get don’t decide who we are or how much we are worth.

Option 5 - Conclusion

An obsession with God puts everything else in our lives in perfect balance.

 It is a daily decision to allow him to be in charge of every part of our lives as we follow his plan, not our own. 

It means we can be ourselves without apology in a world that tries to make us fit into certain personas. With Jesus, we can be the person God made us to be—fully and without fear.

We’re so much more than a tiny square photo.

The life of a Christian is not just a one-time decision to trust Jesus.

The number of double taps and followers we get don’t decide who we are or how much we are worth. 

The life of a Christian is not just a one-time decision to trust Jesus.

An obsession with God puts everything else in our lives in perfect balance.

We’re so much more than a tiny square photo.

 It is a daily decision to allow him to be in charge of every part of our lives as we follow his plan, not our own. 

It means we can be ourselves without apology in a world that tries to make us fit into certain personas. With Jesus, we can be the person God made us to be—fully and without fear.

The number of double taps and followers we get don’t decide who we are or how much we are worth.